34 Facts About the 1st Day of the Week (Pagan Sunday worship of Satan)

38 Bible Facts About The First Day of the Week (Pagan Sunday worship of Satan)

The very first thing recorded In the Bible is work done on Sunday, the first day of the week WHICH is a normal working day and nothing to do with keeping this day holy. Keeping this day holy would me you stop from your secular work, stop buying and selling, rest from your labors, communion with God and heaven and each other. The Seventh day was ordained by God from the beginning which no man, not even the pope or the modern day protestants who agree with the Roman Catholic church, none can change the law of God especially the 4th commandment which says to remember it. The Day of the Sun god is for the pagan institutions to worship their god and not Christ. Satan understood that as long as the world remembers the forth commandment he cannot be worshipped; thus, the world is deceived once again by the father of lies Satan. The deceived world believes the lie of Rome when they say to worship on Sunday is the day to honor God when the Scriptures from the beginning to the end of the kjv Bible says we are to worship the Creator on His seventh day where He rested. (Genesis l: l-5.) The Creator Himself did rest and He tells us we must do the same if we worship and honor His law and not Satan. God worked on Sunday and made the earth on Sunday, just like He did on every other day, BUT rested from Friday sunset to Saturday Sun set. Rome gave each day a pagan name, but we understand the 6 day cycle and on the seventh you rest as the Creator did. 

God commands men to work upon the first day of the week. (Exodus 20.8-11.) Is it wrong to obey God? No it is not. We ought to obey God rather than man. (Acts 5:29 - Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.)

None of the patriarchs ever kept Sunday. Some claim they keep Sunday as the day of rest because the apostles met and gave tithes on that day. Just because families and brethren met on Sunday or Monday or any other day, that does not mean you can change the day from the seventh day to Sunday. We can gather on any day of the week, but we are to keep holy the seventh day Sabbath and obey God.

None of the holy prophets ever kept it. Not a single verse to prove the prophets kept Sunday as the day of Rest. Remember too, the seventh day Sabbath was instituted by God, given to man before there was any Jews. The seventh day Sabbath was given to man. Not just for the Jews. It was given to man for a day to rest and repair…etc. Mark  2:27       And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 28: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. 

By the express command of-God, His holy people used the first day of the week as a common working day. It was the papacy of evils that changed the day of rest from Sabbath of the Lord thy God to Sunday.

"The Catholic church," declared Cardinal Gibbons, "by virtue of her divine mission changed the day from Saturday to Sunday." Catholic Mirror Sept. 23 1983. (Official organ of Cardinal Gibbons)

Question - Which is the Sabbath day?
Answer - Saturday is the Sabbath day.
Question - Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
Answer - We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday." The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p. 50, 3rd ed.

  1. God Himself calls it a "working" day. (Ezekiel 46:1.)
  2. God did not rest upon it. There are no verses proving God rested and commands us to do so.
  3. He never blessed it. There are no verses proving God rested and commands us to do so.
  4. Christ did not rest upon it. There are no verses proving God rested and commands us to do so.
  5. Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6:3), and worked at His trade until He was thirty years old. He kept the Sabbath and worked six days in the week, as all admit. He worked hard on the first day of the week. Not one single verse proving He kept Sunday. Thus
  6. 1 John 2:3              And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 
    2:4          He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 
    2:5          But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. 
    2:6          He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. 

  7. 6. The apostles worked upon it during the same time as Christ their Lord who they followed and obeyed.
  8. The apostles never rested upon it. Not a single verse proving the apostles rested and kept holy Sunday worship which was again created by the antichrist pope, the man of sin and perdition who would think to change times and laws of God.

2 Thessalonians 2:3             Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 
2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 

8. Christ never blessed it. Not a single verse proving He blessed it.

  • 9. It has never been blessed by any divine authority. Not a single verse proving heaven blessed this day. Only blessed by the man of sin --popery.

    10. It has never been sanctified. No verses to prove it was sanctified by God.

    11. No verses proving it was written in stone.

    12. No law was ever given to enforce the keeping of it; hence it is no transgression to work upon it. “Where no law is, there is no transgression.” Romans 4:15 (See also 1 John 3:4.) Only the antichrist pope proclaims it is a law and that you must die if you do not obey the first day of the week to worship the SUN god RA (Satan.)

    13. The New Testament nowhere forbids work to be done on it.

    14. No penalty is provided for its violation.

    15. No blessing is promised for its observance.

    16. No regulation is given as to how it ought to be observed. Would this be so if the Lord wanted us to keep it? If the Lord wanted us to keep the Sunday holy, Christ would have commanded it. Only Rome commands it to be kept or die, thus millions in the dark ages of Rome’s blood past died for not obeying the pope.

    17. It is never called the Christian Sabbath.

    18. It is never called the Sabbath day at all.

    19. It is never called the Lord’s day. Only Rome calls it the Lord’s day.

    20. It is never called even a rest day.

    21. No sacred title whatever is applied to it. Then why should we call it holy?

    22. It is simply called “first day of the week.” It is not even called Sunday. Rome called it sun day to honor and love satan through creation. Romans 1:25 - Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 

    23. Jesus never-mentioned it in any way, never took its name upon His lips, as the record prove.

    24. The word Sunday never occurs in the Bible at all. It is the first day of the week.

    25. Neither Christ, nor inspired men ever said one word in favor of Sunday as a holy day.

    26. The first day of the week is mentioned only eight times in all the New Testament. (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2,9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2.)

    27. Six of these texts refer to the same first day of the week.

    28. Paul directed the saints to look over their secular affairs on that day. (1Corinthians 16:2.)

    29. In all the New Testament we have a record of only one meeting held upon that day, and even this was a night meeting. (Acts 20:5-12.) Nothing wrong with meeting on any day, but the last day of the week is the holy day and not the first day of the week.

    30. There is not mention that they ever held a meeting upon it before or after that.

    31. It was not their custom to meet on that day.

    32. There was no requirement to break bread on that day.

    33. The Bible nowhere says that the first day of the week commemorates the resurrection of Christ. This is a tradition of men, which contradicts the law of God. (Matthew 15:1-9.) Baptism commemorates the burial and resurrection of Jesus. (Romans 6:3-5.)

    "The Bible says, Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. The Catholic church says, No! By my divine power abolish the Sabbath day, and command you to keep the first day of the week. And lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic church!" Father Enright, C.S.S.R. of the Redemptoral College, Kansas City, Mo., History of the Sabbath, p. 802

    34. Finally, the New Testament is totally silent with regard to any change of the Sabbath day or any sacredness for the first day.


    The Seat of Satan & His Vatican pushes for Sunday Laws
    Sunday "is the identity of the Christian community and the center of his life and mission", that "we cannot live without joining together on Sunday", that only those Christians "who lived in accordance with Sunday" have "attained new hope", and that "the Christians of today will rediscover the crucial importance of the Sunday Celebration". (Pastoral Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Bari for the Closing of the 24th Italian National Eucharistic Congress, Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, Esplanade of Marisabella, Sunday, May 29, 2005.)

     Saturday is "no longer" the worship day of God, only on Sunday can we become part of the body of Christ in the world, only by worshiping on Sunday can we avoid "egoistic isolation" and instead be united "in a great community...a universal community" becoming "related to everyone in the world." (Meeting with Diocesan Clergy of Aosta, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, Parish Church at Introd (Aosta Valley), Monday, July 25, 2005.)

    Every Sunday is to be dedicated and given to God. (Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, given in Parish Church of Castel Gandolfo, Monday, August 15, 2005.)

     "Social disorder, war, injustice and violence" can only be countered " by renewed appreciation and respect for the universal moral law [Sunday observance], that only by recognizing that law can the world have "dignity, life and freedom" with "conditions of justice and peace" in all the communities of the world, and that the promotion and defense of this law is what "must govern relations between nations and peoples in the pursuit of the common good of the human family...within the international community." (Address of Pope Benedict XVI to H.E. Mr Francis Rooney, New Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See, Saturday, November 12, 2005.)

     Sunday is a day of rest for all workers. (Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the Italian Christian Workers' Associations (A.C.L.I.), Clementine Hall, Friday, January 27, 2006.)

     People cannot be sanctified except on Sunday, that Christ transferred Sabbath sacredness to Sunday, that only those who keep Sunday belong to Christ, that only on Sunday does "the risen Lord makes himself present among his followers", that only these "worship God properly", and that may Sunday "regain all its importance." (Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Card. Francis Arinze on the Occasion of the Study Day in Honour of the 43rd Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, From the Vatican, November 27, 2006.)

     Sunday is an "obligation for all the faithful" which brings "authentic freedom enabling them to live each day", that it is the Lord's day, that it is "a day to be sanctified", and those who do not keep it suffer "the loss of an authentic sense of Christian freedom" and the loss of being "the children of God", that Sunday is the "primordial holy day" and "is meant to be kept holy", "a day of rest from work", which hopefully "will also be recognized by civil society" by law. (Sacramentum Caritatis: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church's Life and Mission, Given by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, at Saint Peter's, February 22, 2007, the Feast of the Chair of Peter.)

     "It is necessary" "to hold Sunday in special high regard" in order "to remain united to Christ", as "it is the day dedicated to the Lord." (Message of Pope Benedict XVI to the Participants in the 9th International Youth Forum (Rocca di Papa, 28-31 March 2007), from the Vatican, March 28, 2007.)

      Only on Sunday can we experience "a personal encounter with Christ." (Apostolic Journey of Pope Benedict XVI to Brazil on the Occasion of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean, Inaugural Session, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, Conference Hall, Shrine of Aparecida, Sunday, May 13, 2007.)

     "Without the Lord's day, we cannot live", that meeting with the Lord only occurs on the "specific day" of Sunday, that life does not flourish without Sunday, and that Sunday is a day of rest, of freedom and equality for all the world. (Eucharistic Celebration Homily of Pope Benedict XVI , Saint Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, Sunday, September 9, 2007.)

      Encouraged America to exercise "its leadership within the international community" based on "the common moral law [Sunday holiness]." (Address of Pope Benedict XVI  to H.E. Mrs. Mary Ann Glendon, New Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See, Friday, February 29, 2008.)

     The world has greater need of hope for peace, justice and freedom, which "can never be delivered without obedience to the law of God [Sunday holiness]". (Video-Message of the Pope Benedict XVI  to Catholics and People of the United States of America on the Occasion of the Upcoming Apostolic Journey,  April 15-21, 2008.)

      The RCC "makes its contribution (in the ethical and moral sphere) according to the dispositions of international law, helps to define that law, and makes appeal to it", that we live in a time when little groups of independent people threaten the unity of the world, and that the only way to combat this problem is by establishing law and then ordering all of society according to this law, thus promoting "peace and good will throughout the earth." (Apostolic Journey to the United States of America and Visit to the United Nations Organization Headquarters, Meeting with the Members of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, New York, Friday, April 18, 2008.)

    "In respecting religious liberty and the common good of all, Christians [in the USA and elsewhereshould seek recognition of Sundays and the Church's holy days as legal holidays."Catechism of the Catholic Church, popular and definitive edition, 2000, par. 2188

    "This organization proposes in every possible way to aid in preserving Sunday as a civil institution. Our national security requires the active support of all good citizens in the maintenance of our American Sabbath. Sunday laws must be enforced." -Quoted as "principles contained in the Constitution" of the original organization (then called the American Sabbath Union), cited in The Lord's Day Alliance, Twenty fifth Report (1913), p6.

    In the fourth and fifth centuries, Sunday shows and Sunday theaters, it was complained, hindered the "devotion of the faithful," because many of the members attended them in preference to the church services. The church, therefore, demanded that the state interfere, and promote Sunday observance by law. "In this way, " Says Neander "the church received help from the state for the furtherance of her ends." This union of church and state served to establish the Papacy in powerA similar course pursued now will produce the same results. -AUGUSTUS NEANDER, General History of the Christian Religion and the Church, Torey translation (3rd American ed.), vol. 2, pp. 300,301

    On September 7, 1947, Pope Pius XII declared that "the time for reflection and planning is past in religious and moral fields and the time for action has arrived." He said that "the battle in religious and moral fields hinged on five points: Religious culture, the sanctifying of Sunday, the saving of the Christian family, social justice and loyalty and truthfulness in dealings." -Evening Star (Washington D.C.), Sept. 8, 1947.

    "In respecting religious liberty and the common good of all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the Church's holy days as legal holidays." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2188)

    "Recovering the theological significance of Sunday is fundamental to rebalancing our lives ... We strongly urge both clergy and laity to work cooperatively within their communities to stress the importance of Sunday for worship and family ... The rediscovery of this day is a grace which we must implore." (The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation, Saint Paul’s College, Washington, DC, October 27, 2012.)
    "Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time, Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy." (John Paul II, Dies Domini, 1998)

    "The Synod Fathers reaffirmed the importance of the Sunday obligation for all the faithful, viewing it as a wellspring of authentic freedom ... Participating in the Sunday liturgical assembly with all our brothers and sisters, with whom we form one body in Jesus Christ, is demanded by our Christian conscience and at the same time it forms that conscience ... Finally, it is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society." (Sacramentum Caritatis: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church's Life and Mission, Given by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, at Saint Peter's, February 22, 2007, the Feast of the Chair of Peter.)

    It is necessary to hold Sunday in special high regard in order to remain united to Christ, as it is the day dedicated to the Lord." (Message of Pope Benedict XVI to the Participants in the 9th International Youth Forum (Rocca di Papa, 28-31 March 2007), from the Vatican, March 28, 2007.)

    "Without the Lord's day, we cannot live, that meeting with the Lord only occurs on the specific day of Sunday, that life does not flourish without Sunday, and that Sunday is a day of rest, of freedom and equality for all the world." (Eucharistic Celebration Homily of Pope Benedict XVI , Saint Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, Sunday, September 9, 2007.)
    Encouraged America to exercise its leadership within the international community based on the common moral law [Sunday holiness]." (Address of Pope Benedict XVI to H.E. Mrs. Mary Ann Glendon, New Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See, Friday, February 29, 2008.)

    "The world has greater need of hope for peace, justice and freedom, which can never be delivered without obedience to the law of God [Sunday holiness]." (Video-Message of the Pope Benedict XVI to Catholics and People of the United States of America on the Occasion of the Upcoming Apostolic Journey, April 15-21, 2008.)

    On September 7, 1947, Pope Pius XII declared that the time for reflection and planning is past in religious and moral fields and the time for action has arrived. He said that the battle in religious and moral fields hinged on five points: Religious culture, the sanctifying of Sunday, the saving of the Christian family, social justice and loyalty and truthfulness in dealings." (Evening Star (Washington D.C.), Sept. 8, 1947)

    The RCC "makes its contribution (in the ethical and moral sphere) according to the dispositions of international law, helps to define that law, and makes appeal to it, that we live in a time when little groups of independent people threaten the unity of the world, and that the only way to combat this problem is by establishing law and then ordering all of society according to this law, thus promoting peace and good will throughout the earth." (Apostolic Journey to the United States of America and Visit to the United Nations Organization Headquarters, Meeting with the Members of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, New York, Friday, April 18, 2008.)

    "People cannot be sanctified except on Sunday, that Christ transferred Sabbath sacredness to Sunday, that only those who keep Sunday belong to Christ, that only on Sunday does the risen Lord makes himself present among his followers, that only these worship God properly, and that may Sunday regain all its importance." (Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Card. Francis Arinze on the Occasion of the Study Day in Honour of the 43rd Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, From the Vatican, November 27, 2006.)

    “Sunday is a day of rest for all workers.” (Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the Italian Christian Workers' Associations (A.C.L.I.), Clementine Hall, Friday, January 27, 2006.)

    "Saturday is no longer the worship day of God, only on Sunday can we become part of the body of Christ in the world, only by worshiping on Sunday can we avoid egoistic isolation and instead be united in a great community...a universal community becoming related to everyone in the world." (Meeting with Diocesan Clergy of Aosta, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, Parish Church at Introd (Aosta Valley), Monday, July 25, 2005.)

    “Every Sunday is to be dedicated and given to God.” (Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, given in Parish Church of Castel Gandolfo, Monday, August 15, 2005.)
    Only on Sunday can we experience a personal encounter with Christ." (Apostolic Journey of Pope Benedict XVI to Brazil on the Occasion of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Carribbean, Inaugural Session, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, Conference Hall, Shrine of Aparecida, Sunday, May 13, 2007.)

    "Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath (Sunday), and in the afternoon to divine service, and catechizing, upon pain for the first fault to lose their provision and the allowancefor the whole week following; for the second, to lose the said allowance and also be whipped; and for the third to suffer death."!!! Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politique, & Martial For the Colony in Virginia: first established by Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, Lieutenant - General, the 24th of May, 1610